Abbie Werner

raw - heartfelt - relatable

Latest Release

Written over time in both the U.S. and Romania, "So Hard to Let Go" holds the tension of being present where I am while also missing people who I'm not with.

I was inspired to write this song through the blessing of serving with a non-profit called Outstretched Hands of Romania. The music video below helps tell more of that story!

I also found inspiration in discovering that Iceland is a rare place where you can touch two continents at once. Scientists think that Iceland was formed by continental plates pulling apart and deep magma coming up. This has become a powerful analogy for me of something new and beautiful forming amidst feeling torn.


Every journey comes with stories.

After spending several more months in Romania, I'm recording the songs that I've carried with me this season...

Do you want to come along as I share them?

Join my mailing list here:

Check back soon for upcoming releases!

While you are here, feel free to explore my first album, "Giving up Control".


I remember writing my first songs in third or fourth grade in my grandma's office, typing them on her computer. They were about choosing joy and not being afraid to live life. Unfortunately, things got worse in my struggles with anxiety before they got better. Yet, singing and video-making became vital outlets for me in high school where God helped me process emotions and questions, as well as develop skills I am using today.

Since that time, I have been a videographer, a songwriter, a lover of the Romanian and Spanish languages (though still very intermediate), a graduate student, an occasional worship leader, but most of all, a person who knows I am only alive because of Jesus and His love for me.

A big part of my heart is in Romania with the children I have met and the dear friends I've served alongside as a missionary, and that is why I would like all of the profit from my album "Giving up Control" to be donated to Outstretched Hands of Romania. Every album purchase or stream goes toward sharing the love and message of Jesus in tangible ways with children and teens. Thank you for being with me in this journey, and I hope these songs let you taste the peace of God. There is more to come!

"The very time in my life I didn’t think I could walk through,

let me walk through it now by your side.

The very unseen riptide I didn’t think I could talk through,

may you find me a place to confide.

Because lonely is staggering

and silent is poison

and it takes three to conquer a lie.

Your dark does not shock me.

Be brave. Let your heart see

the light. You’ve got nothing to hide."